Write on!

I’ve been getting some awesome feedback on my newest project, Darkness on Daen, and am now into writing the second part of the novella. I’m also now updating and streamlining my blog, trying to get it into a cleaner state. One great thing I’ve noticed is that my traffic has gone up quite a bit in the past week, thanks in large part to posting a link to Darkness on Daen, Part I, on Reddit.

While more commonly associate with general news and interesting stories, Reddit hosts a decently large Writing subreddit (about 5,000 users) and a much smaller, but heavily used Keep Writing subreddit which urges people to post their work and review the work of others who have also posted.

I’ve also found that I’ve been getting more than a few hits of people who are finding my book reviews on search engines, so I’m hoping to get that process going again to keep adding to my review section. I will be posting the first short story from my next entry in the World Conflict’s anthology series, so pay attention to updates this week if you are interested in checking it out.

Now I’m off, to bed. Happy writings!